How I decided I wanted to quit my job...

quit your crappy job

quit your crappy job

It was a few weeks after I had given birth and something was just tugging on me. I knew that I’d have to go back to work soon and let me tell you, it almost wasn’t an option. I was dreading working every single day that I had to. I was stressed, scared, nervous, just really over working for someone else. I had to show up but only because we needed that tiny paycheck I was receiving for our growing family. I had one week vacation for the entire year and I had to save it to HAVE A BABY. After one week, I was told I had to work but was “allowed” to work from home during that time for 6 weeks.

The next meeting I had in person I QUIT. It was the scariest moment of my life….and one I had right after having a baby, needless to say it was intense. But I knew it had to be done. I knew the world needed what I had to offer. I knew that I was going to be okay but I had to take that first step to learn how to dream, do, be, and go out on a limb and create the life I had always dreamed of.

It wasn’t easy, and 2.5 years later it still isn’t but being an entrepreneur is the most fulfilling incredible journey I have ever been on and the best part is, I’m just getting started. Whatever your dream or goal is, just know that my heart is in it with you and I’m here to help!

Brandy Metcalf