How to get Instagram Followers in 2022

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If you want instagram followers, keep reading…

LOOK, long gone are the days of tons of followers just because you posted a cute picture of your dog. We get it, your dog is cute, but that's just NOT enough for follow anymore. These days you need to give something in order to give something. Here's 3 tips:

1️⃣ If you want more followers on instagram then start asking for them. Inside your content literally tell them FOLLOW ME FOR MORE XYZ. Dumb it down.

2️⃣ Do more reels. When you do reels, INSIDE the reel AND the caption tell people to follow you. Write it in the text of the reel and write it in your caption as well. Choose ONE call to action for your content but if you don't ask, you don't receive.

3️⃣ Stay the course. Instagram growth is a LONG game. No one will gain followers over night. I have a client who started doing reels over a year ago and has been consistent ever since. He went from less than 700 followers to 11.7k in A YEAR! That's a really good number for a year's growth.

I hope this helped you understand how to get followers right now. Take it slow. Make sure your goal isn't followers that don't convert. A follow is NOT the same as a dollar. Your bank account will always be the best metric. 😉

Brandy Metcalf